Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30


*Shopping wih Sara

*Curves with Janna

*84 and hot, hot , hot!!!

*First swim of the summer! Josh and Jessica- and Rox, of course!

April 29


*Shopping with Jake- an experience to last a life time!

*Curves with Janna

*swine flu-urgggggggggg

a normal day in the Murphy household

For God did not give us a Spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind

2 Timothy 1:7

April 28


Jake got a haircut! This is after Sara cut it........
I like it long. But I loved the faux hawk, and the spikey short cut, and the chili bowl, when he was 5-lol.

I played Keno and got a great pity gift. A cute little lantern/ I plan to decorate the back porch next weekend- and this will be perfect!
The boys are making Charlie faces....he was being very pitiful and wanted to be held all day-so I held him- all day

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27


*Cruise!!!! We are cruisin with friends this Fall. We booked and paid ( most of it). Now start praying!!!!!Denise is afraid of water and I am claustrophobic......what a pair to take on a cruise. But I am really excited.

*Library- same noisy mess. The librabrian man, even commented to another patron, that he loved that this branch was always noisy and not stuffy like some libraries.....anyone with me on this?????Library-Quiet.....

*Dinner with Tracee and Tom. Reunion planning! We have a date and to lose as much weight as possible by

* Yo ho yo ho a pirate just for me! This guy was an amazing Capt Jack Sparrow. Jake can act just like him too. What a talent- acting like a drunken pirate lol. It's getting so close!!!!!!

April 26

We celebrated Sara's 22 Birthday with a lunch at Red Lobster. It was very good. I love the coconut shrimp, the baked potato, and the thousand island and crouton salad----but I love, love, love the hot cheesy biscuits!
We worshipped at PR for Sunday evening. The sermon was on complaining. It was very good and timely. The singing was amazing. These people can sing. Philip led singing and it was good to hear and see him..It is Well....... with my soul.......
Afterwards he found us and we got to visit with Laura. A blessing to see her feeling well enough to be out.
*flashback- 1990. Me, Jake, Mandy, Christin, Laura, Victoria, and Sara.
We enjoyed a picnic lunch at the Botanic Gardens........good memories!
Just fyi, I was also pregnant with Josh at the time...young, happy, and crazy? lol

April 25


I had planned to crop at an allday crop at Danna's church with my meet up group......but being a mom of teenagers is never without drama and sacrifice. Everyone is happy and healthy, safe and sound.....but I have a new best friend for the week. Moral of the story.....when your mama calls-you better answer!!!! Think an 18 year old boy will enjoy my week of laundry, scrapping, and shopping? I think not.

*photo taken last Sunday- The Ginormous Cowboy Stadium-It looks like a Darth Vader Helmet to me.......

Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 24


I got up bright and early at 9:45. I drove across town to meet a group of friends for breakfast at MannyG's. I absolutely loved the breakfast and the company!

I could have taken pictures of our table covered in delicious breakfast goodness- they all scrapbook-they would have understood- and wanted copies. But I didn't- I just enjoyed every bite of it...not all- but lots.....The pancake was huge- and really yummy, but the bacon was my fav! I even enjoyed the grits........and I don't think I even like grits....

I could have taken pictures of my friends, but I didn't. I could have taken pictures of our shopping trip, or our great DCVW finds at Big Lots, but I didn't.
I could have taken pictures of Mark. He came to play for a bit. But I didn't. We played Rock'em Sock'em Robots, Memory, and Connect Four. I could have taken pictures of any of those, but I didn't.

Deanna came over to scrap. She got a lot done, I got a little done, still too much chatting! I could have taken pictures of us, but I didn't.

I could get up and take a picture now, but I didn't!
Sara and Mark feeding the birds.

April 24


Creative Buffet with cre8joyworkshops. Check them out! I made a fabulous cross, Amy made 2 really detailed, amazing layouts. Then we had Ghengis Grill for lunch-my first trip there, and I will be going back...... and made a quick stop at the best Michael's store!

Then I rushed home to make Scott a delicious, nutritious dinner- because I am a good wife. lol
( He loves meatloaf- and he likes the meatloaf at Sam's.....they even provided the homemade mashed potatoes- gotta love Sam's) I plan to cook next week.....

April 22

Cropping with my friends. I mostly chatted, seems to be the trend for me.....but I had a lot of fun! I worked on my Zoo album from our day with Mark. I am loving 8x8- or smaller mini albums, I found great animal print paper and I plan to have it finished at Saturdays crop.

American Idol! I love Kris. I like Danny, I like Adam.

April 21


We spent the day shopping in Dallas, lots of fun!

We met my mom for dinner at Black Eyed Pea, Sara's choice.

* Sara's birthday! She is 22. It is hard to believe. She is a joy!

* Sara's shop- so cute!

Friday, April 24, 2009

April 20


We spent an amazing day with an awesome kid! Mark turned five, so for his birthday me and Sara took him to the zoo. He is so smart, and cute, and funny, and amazing!

He talked from the moment we picked him up, till the moment we said goodbye.....nonstop......(Sara was exactly like that from the moment she started talking- just saying)

He is quite the jokester, and we tricked Sara, and he was right, there are no horses at the Fort Worth Zoo- and no cotton candy(which was the bet)...what's up with that?

He talked on every phone, and listened and repeated what he heard, we fed birds- but not Sara, she's scared, he hammed it up for the camera, he "read' each animals name, he scared Sara in the bat house, the alligators 'freaked him out' , we found the monkeys with rainbow butts, we never saw the big scary bird from Diego- and we searched for him, Sara and Mark rode the carousel, we ate skittles and Sara and Mark talked thru the entire Texas movie- sorry people that were behind us......we saw cougars and mountain lions, no jaguars ( jaguwaters) and his favorite- smashing a penny! in the penny smashing machine. He picked a meerkat, and carried it around for the rest of the trip, with his cell, they built a sand castle, measured wing spans, heard a huge lion roar over and over, saw the cute penguins, and a cagillion other things...

It was a great day!

April 19


*Bridal Show- Sara, Scott and I went to the Bridal Show together! It went much more smoothly than I and Sara love stuff like this.....Scott not so much. But he was a great sport and watched the fashion show, tasted wedding cakes, looked at flowers, posed for pictures, never passed out at the prices, and we enjoyed the day!

*Lunch at Traildust- Love it!

*We were so excited to be with Blane as he accepted Christ as his Savior and was baptized!

* We met Baby Hannah for the first time.

April 18


I waited too long- I have no memory of Saturday!

April 17


I went to Dee's to crop with her and Tammy. They are always fun! My wild and crazy girls night out. I did a lot of talking and a little cropping. This is Chris's at the computer with ear plugs (so he can't hear us?).....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 16


*Dog drama-----I just want a little dog, someone to hold, and for Roxy to play with...

*Poor customer service at the Humane Society-no greeting, on cell phone, personal call, we'd like to see dogs- "down the hall" emm got worse from there....

*2 trips, 1 hour wasted in the car,woke Scott up early Do I need anything else. No.......

*3 hours later no Zoe for me.......but she is cute

*Maybe tomorrow, I'm praying about pray too!

*Josh and Jessica- hanging out watching tv

April 15


Sara and I had lunch and went shopping! Always a fun afternoon.

*Gerbera Daisys- love em- library books - love em
*Recipe books- love em- cooking- not so much!
*Blurry pictures? I take lots of em......

April 14

I had a very fun full day!

*Katy's Bday
*Party like a Rock Star crop- for Katy's Bday
*Angie made a delish cake
*Amy decorated all out!
*I made one layout......
*I finished our taxes...nothing like having 24 hours to 11:59 on the 14th!
*Roses I got to replace the dead hydrangeas

April 13


I bought beautiful Hydrangeas to enjoy for Easter. They are my favorite. We enjoyed them for Easter- then they died...... Yes, they were in water.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12

Easter Sunday

Each holiday brings lots of family memories.
My dad always cooked the ham. Scott cooked it this year and it was yummy!
In my dad's roaster.
*Nertz- we taught Jessica how to play
*Jim and Frances came for dinner
*Ham, broccoli cheese casserole, mashed potatoes, corn casserole, baked beans, potato salad, rolls
*we like carbs!!
*brownies, cookies, pineapple upside down cake, strawberry short cake
*Aaron, Lindsey, and Jessica

April 11


Scott and I spent the day together- running errands, hair cut, new wiper blades, grocery store, worked on the pool, etc.......Nothing special- but a blessing just the same.....
Rox loves it when we add water to the pool! She thinks it is an awesome game just for her. She was drenched from biting at the water lol- and of course she posed for the camera-she's a ham!

Friday, April 10, 2009

April 10

Sam's run! Enough junk for my kids for a few days. Now I have to go to the real store for groceries........
A gorgeous day.
* mom to Branson
* Josh to work then Six Flags
* Sara's working then Bday party tonight for a friend
* Jake has band coming to record
* I may crop, or leave! Depends on the noise level.......
* Bluebonnets in a neighbors yard

April 9th

My mom is in great physical health. She is 73. She can out walk me- but very slowly lol. She had an appointment with Dr. Jennings and I tagged along.
* lunch at Spring Creek
* shopping at Maurices
* shopping on the square- great shopping there- I bought fudge and Dublin Dr. Pepper-
* Janna and I had a fun evening- don't see her enough!

April 8th

We have a wedding date! Aaron got his UTA schedule and the classes he needs! We went and booked the place today. It is going to be gorgeous and fun. A small beautiful ceremony and reception. It will be in September. 5 months away!
It is a beautifully restored building in downtown. Gorgeous woodwork, amazing doors, a wonderful marble staircase she will walk down.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 7th

My house is spotless-
Flylady- check it out. Your house can be spotless, too.
(except my scrapbook room..... just saying.....)
Yes, they are playing Halo- but hey, they aren't making a

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6

wow! I have a boring, mundane life- but I wouldn't change a thing.
Library- I love the library...but I have a major issue with this one...we go to 3 different ones. Scott listens to all of the books on cd...then we go to the next one......then we go back to the first one again and they have a new selection.
My major issue, pet peeve, complaint??????? It is loud! No one whispers, no one even talks quietly, what is the deal? No library etiquette- and it is just at this one branch. Craziness. Phones ringing, conversations, kids crying, computers full of talkers.........rant over......

Mom went to the Ranger Opening Day Game. In a suite-I hope she enjoyed it!
I went to the grocery store, washed the sheets, love that!, cleaned......again. I wouldn't change a thing.

In just a few short weeks........ we will be ........on that very ride again!!!!! maybe....the kids will be...and Scott.....even my mom loves it! I hate the boiler room, creeps me out.

April 5

This is my first attempt at altering a word- I painted the entire thing white- then I had planned to do each letter a different pattern- but I like it all the same- I plan to ink it and add some bling and other embellies......What do you think? It looks fab with my curtains! fyi-the paper is attached by 3 tiny glue dots- in case I change my

Josh and Jessica went to Six Flags- great day - short lines.
Jake and band took promo pictures.
Sara and Aaron did something.......
Scott watched tv- I cleaned and worked on a few projects......
Then at 1am...... we (just our fam) went to IHOP.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April 4

*lunch with Sara
*Clean car!
*pick up lawn mower
*ride 4 wheeler
*Dinner at Laura's and Joe's
We stomped the boys! It is always swwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeettttttttt to stomp the boys at Spades!

April 3

Sara and I got up bright and early to head to Canton. It was amazing. Gorgeous day, sunshine, cool breeze, and lots of goodies! Sara found some really cute shirts and a dress. We saw so many things and said"we can make that!' a cagillion times. We bought a wooden cross and a blank canvas to make one project.

Sara saw her friend Whitney. I saw Tracy buying more crosses for the Creative Buffet- I hope I can sign up this time!

I didn't eat a funnel cake, grilled corn, or buy any candy, fudge, or cinnamon almonds. Go me!

We had a very nice day. I love that we can go and have a great day together. She is such a blessing and joy!

What better way to end a fabulous day than scrapping with my hair- lar- ious friends!

Deanna and I headed over to Angies and had a great time cropping and chatting. Not sure that I got any pages finished, but it was fun!

April 2


This sweet little note means so much more than it looks like.

First, I don't get notes that often, so it's special.

2nd, he loves me!

3rd, If I needed to make him a lunch, I would need to go to the store first, buy groceries, unload them, cook something, and then clean up the mess. Which was my plan.

4th, I wouldn't have had time to go eat lunch with Sara.

So that sweet little note saved me a few hours work!

I love that......

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1

Sara and I went to a Birthday Party for Mark. Baby Mark will be 5! He is the sweetest and always comes running and is so happy to see us.
The party was at "Going Apes" It was full of inflatables. Sara joined in the fun-sliding, climbing, cheering- whatever Mark wanted her to do with him! It was really sweet.
We are going to take him to the Zoo for his birthday. Hopefully next week!